Sunday, May 27, 2012

Is My Blogging Season Over?

“That I may [continue to] publish with the voice of thanksgiving, and tell of all thy wondrous works.” (Psalm 26:7) [Emphasis Added]

For those of you who’ve followed my devotional writing and photography blogs for the past year or so have probably noticed that I haven’t been blogging lately. My last blog post on Walking With God was February 18. My last post on my photo blog was January 21. From the looks of things, it doesn’t seem as though I’ve lost any followers, but I know that once you develop a following and then suddenly stop posting regularly your readers will either stop following you or stop looking forward to visiting your blog to read your posts. Your blog loses its wow factor if it ever had it, and soon no one will visit you.

Miss You Guys
I’m saddened by the fact I haven’t been able to blog regularly like I used to and visit your blogs and leave comments. I miss the online interaction.

When I began my devotional writing blog, it seemed as though God was speaking to me often because I had so much to say and share. Devotionals were just flowing in and through me. It’s not that God has stopped speaking to me or working in my life, but I just haven’t felt compelled to publicly write about what He’s been up to due to the personal nature of my circumstances.

Been Busy
The other reason is that I’ve been extremely busy with work. I’m working harder now than ever, and I just don’t have the time to write online devotionals like I used to. I also have an online portfolio with a blog that I update monthly. I post blogs about the health and nutrition articles I edit every month. Click on Judy’s Online Portfolio and see what I’ve been up to.

Before I started my new job that I prayed for fervently for more than two years, I started my devotional writing and photo blog as a creative outlet I desperately needed at the time. I was in a job that was devoid of creativity, and the Lord encouraged me to keep my writing skills sharp by writing devotionals. He also coaxed me to begin a photo blog to post photos of His creation. These blogs did wonders for me, and many of you told me that they encouraged you as well.

My prayer is that I will be able to begin blogging again, posting photos, visiting your blogs, and recapture my following. Please visit me periodically, as I may have a new blog post to share. Until then, I’ll see you around in cyberspace. Thanks so much for visiting and leaving your comments.
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